
Who We Are

The Prince George Road Runners Club is a non-profit society governed by a volunteer board of directors.  The board holds an annual general meeting in November and members of the public are welcome to attend.  Watch for the date and time on our social media channels. If you would like to connect with us, please come out to a weekly run, join us at an event or  contact us at pgroadrunners@gmail.com

Julie Ubdegrove

Gillian Roberts

Amber Storey

Erika Lacaille

Board Members

Dale Huzar                                     Dennis Straussfogel

Denise Blanchette                            Eric Robinson

Michael Hess                                  Buddy Bruinjes

Shar Balogh                                   Marie Chapman

Meg Meyers                                   Emily Pallard

Where to Find Us:

@Prince George Road Runners Club


And join us on   

 @PG RoadRunners