Gillian Roberts, PGRR Vice-President Dec 2020
The extremely deserving, Gillian Roberts…
Gillian has been the ‘face’ of our club at a time when it’s never been more important to see a friendly face.
She has made a difficult and sometimes dark year, a whole lot brighter with her upbeat personality and her desire to continue to find a way to connect with others.
She is always thinking of creative and unique ways to engage with longtime members of our running community and to draw in newcomers.
When our planned clinics and Learn to Run group had to be cancelled last spring, Gillian designed and sent out a L2R program. She launched and committed to a weekly Live stretch session on Facebook that has been a huge draw over the course of this challenging year. And she has been one of three Run Group leaders who jumped through all the Covid hoops to make sure our weekly runs re-started in August and went as long as was safe to do so.
Gillian did all this for our club and the community at large while on her own personal healing journey, after undergoing chemotherapy for the second time in 2019.
While the board is always looking to acknowledge those ‘out there’ in our running community with this award, we received the most nominations ever for Gillian and we had to agree with the crowd on this one! Please join us in congratulating Gill!!
PGRR would also like to take this time to acknowledge the family members of Sally Rowe. They established this award to honour the memory of the avid outdoor enthusiast and lifelong athlete who lost a courageous battle after she passed away in 1990, after a courageous battle against leukemia