Come Run With Us…
The Prince George Road Runners are thrilled to announce the return of some of our run groups as we have transitioned back to in-person events. At this time, we’re offering two run groups per week.
Looking to start running? Return to running? Explore some area trails? Or, perhaps, meet some potential training buddies? Led by our very own experienced club members, we aim to keep you on track. Come run with us!
Catch us out on the roads or trails:
Wednesdays: 6pm Evening Group Run, two distance options: 8km group and 5km group (the 5km group is perfect for new/returning runners), leaves from Aquatic Centre parking lot
Saturdays: 9am Morning Trail Run, 5-7km. This group leaves from the UNBC/Greenway Trails parking lot
New runners are encouraged to come try us out for two or three runs – after that, participants must sign up for a PGRR membership to have liability insurance coverage for our runs.