Whether running for personal pleasure or to prepare for your next race, you may have questions about properly fuelling your body…
The Prince George Road Runners are thrilled to be able to offer up some of the insights of Registered Dietitian Lindsay Van der Meer., who is skilled at balancing sports nutrition recommendations with the importance of maintaining a healthy relationship with food.
Lindsay has had a dynamic career within the public healthcare system in Northern BC and is currently the Clinical Coordinator for Nutrition at BC Cancer-Prince George. Alongside her professional career, Lindsay’s passion for physical fitness and lifelong involvement in sports has motivated her to launch her own website, www.dietitianonthemove.ca, which helps her to work with athletes and active people to help them reach their potential.
Lindsay stays current in the latest sports nutrition research and applies what she learns in her own kitchen; and during training and competition. PGRR is incredibly grateful to Lindsay for sharing some of her work with us.
Click to read Fuel Your Run Right: Sports Nutrition Basics for Runners
If you have any further sports nutrition questions for Lindsay, please reach out to her via her website, or through Instagram at @lindsay_vandermeer_rd