That’s a Wrap

Posted onOctober 28, 2021

Congratulations to all 243 people who participated in PGRR’s 2021 Virtual Fun Run Series!

What a way to make the best of a challenging season!!

You signed up on your own; or with family, friends or work colleagues; and challenged each other over the course of our eight planned events and the extra challenge week at the end.  We enjoyed seeing your photos and reading all the comments on social media as you supported other participants.

The Board would, again, like to thank our incredible local sponsors for making the VFRS a rousing success.  

And I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the individual board members.  It truly took a team to pull this off – from all the thought and consideration that went into deciding how to offer something during a pandemic, to all the ways they supported the series over the course of the season.  From generating sponsorships to promotion; from cheering participants on virtually to thinking of unique ways to involve local businesses; to getting out there and running the events themselves!  

I am truly honoured to work with such a great group of people!  We look forward to coming up with another exciting race season next year.

All the best through the winter months,


Michelle Cyr-Whiting ;