WOW! We are blown away by your enthusiastic participation in the first fun run of our 2021 virtual series!!
Not only did 187 people find time during the past week to walk, jog, or run a 5k route, but so many of you took time to post your results, share a photo, or post a supportive comment…
As many have commented on our Facebook page, it has been truly inspiring to read all the posts. From Sarah Lynn who ran her first 5k ever, to all the families who have signed up and are completing the distance over two or three outings.
Congratulations to everyone who finished the Mother’s Day 5k. Click here to see the Finishers List.
Congratulations, as well, to our draw prize winners: Marci Burgess, Gaylene Clark, Kelsey Gobbi, Morgan Levant, Muireena McArthur, Dustin Pickens, Tess Rennie, and Suzanne Sharp. Your prizes are available for pick up at Stride & Glide Sports.
At this time, we’d once again like to give a HUGE shout out to IRL Supplies and TDB Consultants for their Diamond Level Sponsorship of our Virtual Fun Run Series. Their generous donations are allowing us to give back to local businesses over the course of the series. And to Stride & Glide Sports for the gift certificates and merch they’ve supplied for our event draws.
All finishers of the Mother’s Day 5km now have one entry into our grand prize draw in October – when one lucky winner will walk away with an iPad, thanks to AscenTech Solutions!
Up Next in the series: the Hurt’n Bear Fun Run
Rest up because our next challenge week begins next Sunday, May 23rd.
You will have your choice of completing 5km, 10km, or 21.1km by 11:59pm Saturday, May 29th.
An email reminder will be sent to your inbox, but remember to send your results to: PGRRresults@gmail.com
Please include your first and last name, your email address, phone number, distance completed, and photo proof (*optional).